Georgia Military College Preparatory School - Rate Schedule
School Year 2025-2026
Tuition Rate $6,600
*K-5 School Supply Fee $30/child
Please review the GMC Prep School Tuition and Fee Policy- **Updated policy for the 25-26SY coming as of March 1st, 2025.
FREE payment processing methods:
Effective May 1st, 2023, families choosing to make Tuition payments using a credit/debit card will be accessed a third-party convenience fee. The convenience fee % will display at the time the transaction is processed. The convenience fee is accessed and retained by our third-party vendor for providing the credit/debit card processing service.
Upon official acceptance into the Prep School, your child’s deposit will be allocated across a 12-month payment plan.
GMC Student Accounts
478-387-4847 option 1
Located in Parham Hall (across the street from GMC’s South Gate)